Baked Chicken w/Roasted Red Peppers, Garlic Mashed Taters & broccoli
Stuff: Boneless chicken breasts, white potatoes, roasted red peppers.

Baked Chicken:
Melt butter, olive oil and butter in a pan. Add basil and roasted red peppers. Simmer. Add chicken that has been lightly seasoned with salt and pepper. Cook till half done.

Take chicken out of pan, put juice into baking dish. Slice chicken in the fattest part of the meat and stuff with red pepper.

Take a piece of bacon and wrap around the chicken. Place in slow oven, 350, till chicken is done (about 20 minutes).

Turn oven up to 450 and bake till bacon has browned.

Slice some Gouda cheese.

Put Gouda on top of chicken and pop back in the oven for a few minutes until cheese has softened.

Garlic Mashed Taters:
Cut up taters, cook in slightly boiling salted water till soft. Drain.

Melt butter, parsley and garlic powder (I lost my cloves- can't find them anywhere!)

Add taters, milk and sour cream. Whip, mix, stir, whatever you like best.

Cut up broccoli and put in boiling salted water for as long as you like or as little as you like. Drain and add salt, pepper and yes, more butter.

Dinner for Ready Set Cook is served!

Special Note:
Thank you once again Anne for taking the time and effort to put this together when I know you are one busy woman. You give all that play something to look forward to each week. I wish I knew of a way to return the favor-
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